February 14, 2018


Authors: Lu Jiang, Junwei Liang, Liangliang Cao, Yannis Kalantidis, Sachin Farfade, Alexander Hauptmann

  • Introduces a new task and dataset called MemexQA: Based on a collection of videos or photos, answer some questions. Difference from VQA: A question may require reasoning over multiple images instead of one.
  • Questions and their answers may require building a database from timestamps, annotations, metadata and other information from images and videos for easy information retrieval.
  • Proposes MemexNet, supposedly a unified network architecture for image, text and video QA.
  • Paper Link


  • Numbers: 13,591 personal photos from 630 albums and 101 Flickr users and 20,860 crowdsourced questions with 417,200 multiple choice answers.
  • Available at https://memexqa.cs.cmu.edu/
  • Answer space supposedly is in between closed set of current VQA tasks and open-ended QA.
  • Data includes a timestamp, GPS (if any), a photo title, photo tags, album information as well as photo captions from the SIND data. Used Amazon Mechanical Turk to collect questions.


  • MemexQA is tougher than VQA.
  • Questions are not easily answerable even by humans.
  • Normal users took 10x more time to solve a MemexQA task than a VQA task.
  • MemexNet can be trained with great efficacy and scalability on other QA tasks also.



Architecture of MemexNet

  • Inspired by WatsonQA system. Designed for MemexQA dataset but can also be applied to text or video QA.
  • Three major modules: Question Understanding, Search Engine and Answer Inference
  • Question Understanding:
    • Contains two subnetworks: Question encoder and Query Encoder
    • Question encoder embeds a question into latent state vector which expresses the question content and its estimated category. This is passed to answer inference module.
    • Query encoder produces a query embedding which goes an input to search engine. Usually, a sparse vector over a set of relevant concepts in the concept vocabulary (pretrained).
    • Uses LSTM as question encoder and SkipGram and Visual Query Embedding networks as query encoder.
  • Search Engine:
    • Returns a list of samples ranked by embedded query vector.
    • Uses off the shelf state of the art visual search engine and learn attention weights over the retrieved samples
  • Answer inference:
    • Can be changed for different tasks
    • For MemexQA, the modality information and match class embeddings are concatenated in a way, that samples at different rank positions should have different importance. This concatenated embedding vector is passed to an LSTM network output of which are attended.
    • This learned embedding vector for top k samples along with question embedding and image CNN features are passed on to a classifier to get the best answer among the multiple choice options present. Look MemexNet section’s Answer Inference subsection for more information.



  • Compared MemexNet with various state of art and classical model of VQA with some changes to add other features and found out the MemexNet outperforms all of them on MemexQA.
  • Significant gap in between human and model accuracies. (0.487 to 0.927)
  • Significant drops in “when” and “where” type questions from “how many”, so there is need of MemexLookupNet.


  • Tested on SQuAD, considers paragraph as album, sentences as images with last 3 layers in BiDAF model as answer inference networks.
  • Reported F1 scores for other models seem different from the ones on SQuAD leaderboard.
  • Achieves 0.767 F1 score.


  • Trained on YFCC100M dataset.
  • Doesn’t use user generated metadata to access VideoQA performance based on only video content understanding.
  • Achieves 0.52 accuracy.
  • Claims that only 1.3 seconds taken to answer a question from over 800k videos on single core Xeon 2.53 GHz CPU with 32GB memory.


  • Claims to be a cross domain QA general model.
  • Doesn’t evaluate on VQA directly.
  • It might be better to release dataset in separate paper and MemexNet in separate paper with comparisons on VQA.

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